Why subscribe?

I'm a full-time private investor, ex-L/S.

This newsletter started as a bit of a free-for-all and a bit of fun. Over time I’ve been putting more effort into it. The substack will probably never be fully structured as it is, for the most part, a direct output of my investment process (which is not structured). Sometimes I will write every week, sometimes I’ll be working on something that takes me weeks.

My random thoughts/musings/updates as I go along will generally be free for the public. My deeper write-ups will be behind paywalls. The premium tier will gain access to my models and be able to call/email me to their hearts content.

I aim to come up with 3-6 well-reserached and actionable ideas per year. There will also be a sprinkle of smaller special sits. I will try to only write-up actionable ideas and not deep-dives for the sake of it. In some markets I will find lots of ideas, in some I'll find very few - such is the game.

I hope you enjoy.

Subscribe to Guasty Winds Investment Ideas

I'm a full-time private L/S investor. This substack started as a blog of unsophisticated musings but has gradually become more research heavy. I will try to keep it as actionable as possible going forward (other than updates).


I'm a full-time private investor, ex-L/S. I write about what I am doing in my investment portfolio.